No more dr Oz bloke, just me

aka Dr Charlotte Charlatan

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Parliamentary Elections Act, particularly Section 78A

I'll be keeping mum for a while. Better to get into the groove of being quiet rather than have a sudden silence.

I'll be posting more stuff on football, movies etc for a while

To understand why please visit for more clarification on the PEA and how it impacts the online community.

Cheers and Happy Lunar New Year!


At 8:22 AM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


Wise move. Better let our brain think faster than our keyboard and keep out of trouble and the peace.

But movies and football?

I'm not a great fan of football. I think it's real stupid for 22 grown men with families to be chasing after a stupid ball round the field, don't you think? Besides, if you betted, you have been conned because they are not playing for real. Kelong is more like it.

Movies ok. What ar your favourites? Don't tell me it's cartoons and those stupid fairytale CGI flicks!

I'll be going to most of the rally spots to listen to their sales pitch. It's showtime...........

At 2:53 AM, Blogger Flatfeet said...

Ah Oz,

What's been going on with all the 'drama'? Firstly, you are getting depressed. Next, you wanna talk politics. And now you wanna chat about sports and movies. Or maybe you are indeed looking for a change on your blog ;p
By the way,gong hei fatt choy to Oz and UglyB. Gong xi gong xi!

At 5:22 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

His mood is like the pronouncement
of docs.

First they say, fibre is good for you and will help prevent cancer. Eat lots of it to stay healthy. Then they now say too much fibre is not healthy after all and it may even lead to an increase propensity towards colorectal cancer.

You can never trust what they say.

And most certainly, you can never predict our dear friend's moods.

Saw from your blog you had some problems of your own with some screwy patients ;-)

At 7:08 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


Since you ain't going to OZ any time soon, don't you think it's high time you change the location from "Australia" to "Sinkapore" :-0

Also, the time on your computer clock should be changed too huh?

Hello, have you abandoned your blog or what?

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...

Not abandoned.

Currently in transit. Can you believe me anyway? when I say "All doctors are liars. I am a doctor."

At 9:08 PM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...

Just read the 140th ranked free press,

Aiyah uglybaldie,

this sort of news damn old already lah.

I thought you updated? Oh maybe you were just trying to point out how docs can say one thing one day and then say another some other day.

Any self respecting doctor would have told you the updated findings.

I know the doctor who wrote that article personally. Dr Esther Chuwa. It's a she by the way :) Worked with her. Quite pretty too.

Bottom line is this. Life, health, happiness is all about balance.

Any doctor who doesn't understand this should be shot. Eat too much vitamins never eat any other food will also get cancer (you can quote me on that).

Too much exercise will also wear out your joints and produce high amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which if not neutralized by other free radicals can cause lots of damage too.

So key word. Balance. Yin vs Yang. Acid vs Base, activity vs inactivity, electrons vs protons.

At 9:22 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Wunderful advice.

Is it for free?

Yes, Balance.....

That's why I am feeling on top of the world!

Sometimes a pain in the ass, sometimes good.

Everything is about balance. Agreed.
And moderation. Being too much of a celibate or teetotaler won't be very good for one either.

And may I add it's also all about fate and destiny?

Hey bro. what's this "transition"?

Ah, pretty doctors. I like that although I don't respect most docs let alone a female doc. One time, I consulted a damn pretty specialist and young too. Got my money's worth of eye candy for 45 friggin' minutes of mostly idle talk for 85 bucks. That works out to about 2 bucks per minute. Worth every penny of it! :-0

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...

Look only ar?

And you call that cheap? :P

At 11:15 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

A pretty damsel who spent the greater part of her life studying hard to be a specialist and who gave you 45 minutes of her life just to talk cock for 85 friggin' bucks and that's not cheap?

Eh uncle, your money tua guay goo chia leng ah?

At 12:25 AM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...

The chio bu stoopeed lah. Should have spend the greater part of her life wooing some Forbe's list guy.

Study for what?

Want to study can, but should also set aside time to find the gold mines mah.

At 5:44 AM, Blogger Flatfeet said...

Unclebaldie, screwy patients are everywhere lah. No worries dude. It should be accepted as part of working life in healthcare.

Oz, uglybladie is trying to make every single cent worth to spend on her consultation.Perhaps this is just the way he calculates on his addiction for pretty damsels.LOL. SO BL

At 5:33 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

As a retiree, I must guard my pennies lah otherwise no more goodies and candies ok? :-))


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