No more dr Oz bloke, just me

aka Dr Charlotte Charlatan

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Housecalls anyone?

I wonder how other doctors handle requests for housecalls.

When you give your personal contact number to patients, it's inevitable that they might call you during the weekends on when you are on leave and ask for advice. Now that's fine with me, I'm happy to assist as far as I can over the phone.

But when they imply that they want YOU to come over to see them and give the advice in person. That's a different matter to me altogether. For one, it's my off day and I have a life, I don't want to be working. But yes I have a duty to the patients since I am a doctor.

But then, most patients who ask for you to come and give advice aren't expecting that they should be paying for your services as a housecall. It's like a social visit to them.

Well I'm sorry, but it isn't a social visit to me. It's work. It's basically an unwelcome disruption to my personal life which I accept because of the nature of my work. I want to be professional as a doctor and serve my patients well. But I also expect that the standard charges be applied to me as a professional.

How much does a housecall cost? In short about $150.

Patients don't want to pay. You tell them go to the hospital then, they say it's too far, too long a wait at the A&E blah blah. (By the way it costs about $70-80 flat for all investigations and medications at the A&E)

In a few cases, I know there is little I can do even if I did the housecall, but they insist I come, I end up going and writing referral letters to the A&E and asking them to go there. Should I be charging patients like that? I think I have the right to. But look at their faces when you tell them it costs $150! Man you've never seen black faces man!

I think this is an Asian cultural problem. My experience doing housecalls for hotel guests showed me that. The caucasians have no problems thanking you profusely even AFTER they have paid the fees with a big smile of gratitude. They would usually go "Thanks for coming at this godforsaken hour! In my country it would be impossible to get a doctor come for a housecall even if I lived next to the clinic or hospital!"

For Asians, they would baulk at the "high fees" and some refuse to pay totally even after the service is rendered. This includes relatively affluent indonesian businessmen staying in the deluxe rooms calling for a doctor for their mistress!

Frankly, I have no problems being a professional. But the problem is that patients in Singapore don't treat the professional as one when it comes to remunerating him/her.

You can't have your cake and eat it.

Having said that, I look at my boss, and find that he is the one going around doing all these free housecalls (he charges only for the medicine usually about $30) for his patients. As such he gets like 4-5 housecalls EVERYDAY!

Man I don't want to end up like him. The best way may be to actually refuse to give my personal contact number to any patient.

Incidentally I had a call yesterday and I told the patient that if her condition worsened to go to A&E (amid lots of complains). Strangely even though my wife told me not to bother about the patient I couldn't get it out of my mind. I called the patient back an hour later to check on the status and it was improving after taking the medicine I advised her to consume. And by the evening the patient was normal. It just worries me and I can't continue in peace.



At 6:10 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


Good ang moh, bad asian. Good Dr.bloke, bad patients......The list go on and on.

Christ, you don't belong here man. What can I do to expedite your emigration process?

With citizens like you, who needs enemies of the state?

Ha, Ha, just joking lah, dr. dont' take it personally ok doky?

At 6:13 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


Just one swallow, make a whole summer.

Just an observation, your clinic really have a lot of freebies man, and it's run by goodies loonies too! Gimme the name, I want, I want......

At 6:16 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


Your boss really an angel of mercy man.

But the figures don't tally leh. With the kind of practice he has, and the kind of free time employees like you, how to survive huh? He must either dead broke or a zillionaire!

Just kidding lah, don't go pouting like that okie?

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...

Actually I am also wondering how he is financially.

One thing is for sure, he's not well educated in financial intelligence.

I suspect he has a high turnover, but low profits, and a tremendous amount of debt.

Regarding the ang moh and asian thing. It just happens to be true. You can ask around all the doctors who do housecalls for hotels. They'll tell you the same. One reason of course is that the ang mohs have medical insurance so they can always claim back the money so maybe that's a factor. But their politeness (although some may say "fake") is always a refreshing greeting in the wee hours of the night for me.

I have of course come across really aggressive Brits who were thinking of suing the hotel and all. That was quite a challenge!

"would you write it in paper that this wound on my wife's face will not scar?"

"Yes of course!" and I wrote the letter for that Brit lawyer. The hotel was of course pleased.

At 7:12 PM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...

hey uglybaldie,

what's your view on housecalls? My guess is that if it's an emergency, you'd go to MT E. If it isn't you'd just wait till the next morning.

Paying $150 is just not worth it? Or would you call the doctor and ask him to come and then tell him sad stories how old and financially challeneged you are and how as a doctor he should be magmaninous and charitable and waive the charges?

At 7:19 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


Good for you man, that the mouthpiece's wife's face did not scar. If it did, I guess I won't enjoy the luxury of your presence here. You most probably, 跑路!as fast as your two little legs can carry you!

Be assured though that all politenes of the 洋鬼子 is faked and just a facade. Our 东方culture is different. Reticent and stoic we may be, but at the end of the day, I'll rather be in the cave with impolite and probably "rude" cavemen than in the pits with snakes!

At 7:29 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


$150 friggin' bucks for a qualified doc to run to my bedside at an unearthly hour braving my rottweiler just to give me words of reassurance that everything is well? Peanuts my friend, peanuts.

In fact, come to think of it, it might really be fun to try this out sometime and see the doc's face when he found that he had been taken for a ride, with a "handsome" (to him) tip of course!

Nowadays, I don't need any quacks to visit me as I can always turn on the good ole comp. and ask Dr. Google. Then I'll go to my medicine cabinet, more a mini pharmacy by the way, and get the necessary quick fixes. In a real emergency, I'll first call my lawyer and get him to call my specialist, whoever happens to be suitable for the occassion at hand.

Wow, what a life!!!

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...

I think it's much easier to live with people that are similar to you.

So consider me a snake trying to live with cavemen.

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...

Well I'm happy to get the peanuts.

I have done a few of these "tricks", referred by my boss. He knows who the regular rich "tricksters" are anyway.

So I usually go there, take a look, make sure all's in order, administer some Nevramin injections and collect my $150.

No problem. I'm happy with that.

I guess we don't have the luxury of making the kind of money you do uglybaldie. :)

But I'm happy with what I earn. :)

At 8:11 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


See what I mean?

My arrangement is the Best don't you think?

The poor dude drove into the night to peddle some vitamin B for 150 figgin, bucks and not even Euros or the Greenback at that! So I am considered considerate to just consult Dr. Google eh?

I won't and have never tried it on my GP who is really really a nice guy. I love him like a brother. But I'm thinking, what about that eagle beaver who just started his little clinic? Perhaps some fun for me and some education for him would be mutually beneficial??


At 8:22 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Walio, I am flummoxed

Hey, if your boss is in a bad way financially, is it ethical for you to leech away at his dying clinic?

I thought the proper and right thing to do would be to pack your stuff and wish him all the best in the road down south.

One thing I've learnt when I dealt with other's moolah is that when it comes to money, no one is dispossessed of 'financial intelligence" as you put it. It is just the circumstances that dictate the financial outcome, not the lack of intelligence thereof.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...

Oh in the first place, most GPs would NOT do housecalls period.

Frankly if I had a choice I'd rather have my peace and freedom during my free time and forgo the peanuts. But then I acknowledge there is a role for me to extend my care for patients beyond the office hours.

So I suspect the eager beaver would probably say no, unless he was really desperate!

As for "doing the right thing and not be a leech", well you don't know the exact details, but I suspect he'd be more distressed at me leaving.

Anyway I'm not an angel, you know it and I know it :P

At 8:42 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Walio, No house calls? you hit the nail in the head!

That's why the general population just consider the quacks with clinics to be quick fix pharmacies at affordable rates. That's why some impatient patients just tell the bloke to shut up with the irrelevant talk and just dish out the tablets! All of them know that when you have a real emergency at home or someone dear to you cannot be mobile enough to make it to his clinic, he'll just tell you to call 911 and send him to the nearest hospital. Friggin' quacks who forgot the Hippocratic oath the minute they take off their graduation robes. Bunch of leeching small time tradesmen if you ask me!

By divine grace, I am spared the trials and tribulations that my fellow citizens have to suffer at the hands of unprofessional charlatans.

At 8:51 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


Here's a poem dedicated to all docs:

Off with the robes,

Out with the Oath,

Out with the patients

I'm losing my patient.

Sorry I ain't Alfred Tennyson you know.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


On second thoughts, the four lines sounds better with a Rap beat.

I'm into rappers. They're really melodious!

At 10:10 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


This is really weird. I mean about your boss. Is he a dumbass or a moron?
Why does he need you when his practice is obviously not with patients queueing at the door what with you having so much time at your disposal. And if he is losing money and going into debt, he should be cutting loss and not a moment too soon. Is he waiting for the Casino to start so he can make up for all the goodies he paid you? Do counsel him though that the house always wins, as in the stock market.

Are you sure you're not a veterinarian masquerading as a doc.? My rotweiller hasn't been feeling very well lately. Could be the weather, humid and warm, cold and chilly nowadays. He is of an OZie pedigree so he is not quite used to the weather here yet.


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