No more dr Oz bloke, just me

aka Dr Charlotte Charlatan

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Of course the banks don't lend you money just like that!


I had written this statement in my last post : "If you need to borrow money, go to the bank. If you need financial help, go to the grassroots leaders for help."

Well if you actually believe that will work, then you really haven't woken up to the real world. Maybe you're still a little kid or teenager. If you're an adult well either you are damn rich and never ever worry about money. But most Singaporeans would know that that statement was absolute bollocks!

I made that statement because that's probably what our govt will tell you to do. And it's politically correct. What else should I say then? If you need money go rob someone? C'mon give me a break. Solutions to solve financial problems for needy people would take up an entire election campaign not to mention a small paragraph in a blog entry.

When I read the article in the front page of the Straits Times yesterday about how the nurse lost her baby, I read that that family had told their grassroots leaders about their problem during a walkabout, and they were told by the grassroots people that they would look into it but nothing was done in the end.

That made me angry. If you are in Singapore, bought a flat from someone who owed loan sharks money and then the loan sharks come after you instead, subsequently pushed your pregnant wife down the stairs and she lost the baby, wouldn't you want the death penalty for loan sharks? Wouldn't you be angry that the police in this great city that has the death penalty and prides itself in keeping crime out can do nothing about loan sharks?

It's murder to me. Manslaughter at the very least.

And the couple had asked the grassroots leaders for help. What else can they do?

Why do people borrow from loan sharks? Obviously because banks don't want to loan them the money. And of course going to your grassroots leader does nothing.

I can understand why people would get angry with me making those statements. But if anyone knows me, they'd know it was utterly sarcastic remarks from me.

But the gist of the blog entry was whether

1) we should really ban loan sharks and go down real hard on loan sharks. (I think we should)
2) Whether there was any good in having loan sharks at all (I think they serve no good purpose)
3) Why shouldn't we have the death penalty for loan sharks (Angry doc brought up a great point)

Unfortunately some people choose to focus on the statements I made about asking people to ridiculously ask banks to loan them money when they are needy and ask grassroots leaders about helping them. And then subsequently make statements to the effect that I was born yesterday, highly idealistic, in need of life advice etc.

I wonder why is that? Maybe it's because I am a doctor and some people just hate doctors so much they cannot resist attacking them when the opportunity arises.


At 8:18 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


I am getting to like your blog. No more nonsense about fats and vitamins and all those medico staff which we can easily ask Dr. Google. Real issues , real people, real everyday probems from a doctor perspective.

Way to go man. Keep'em coming.

On reflection, yeah, I agree with you. Loan sharks are worst than rapists, robbers or thieves. They terrorize constantly. They make a mockery of our supposedly clean city image. Who would imagine that we come down hard on chewing gum and misguided politicians all of whom have an axe to grind, but appear powerless against these scums. I do know one thing though. If ever I am in that predicament and I hope that I will not ever, the bugger responsible for this heinous crime will wish his mother had aborted him and flush him down the toilet.

Sweet Jesus, after posting this rant, I note that the BP monitor attached to my arm reads 138/88 blood pressure with a pulse rate of 80. My normal reading when reading and writing comical stuff is 116/66 with pulse rate of 66.

Anything to worry about there doc?

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"138/88 blood pressure with a pulse rate of 80."

Why don't you go ask Dr Google? It was still free too last I checked so no worries there.

At 9:03 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

He, He,

No wonder you're a doc with no business. Kiasu, kiasi, kiaboh.

kiasu=scared giving out free med advice. no income.

kiasi= scared kenna sued if wrong advice.

kiaboh= scared no income or benefit derivable so why bother to give advice.

typically stinkaporean. Hope when you go to OZ you will change your mindset and be more generous or else you will have to remigrate back to kiasuLand.


In case you have not come across it in your outdated textbooks. a bp of 138/88 and a pulse rate of 80 is damn good if you are ranting angrily. Anything less proves that you are already dead.

At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I find you increasingly more and more offensive.

You are so typically Singaporean.

At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, that's why he's ugly baldie.

Out of curiousity if you could block only his comment like on msn will you do it?

At 3:21 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


Walio, why you so sensitive one?

What did I do? Please pardong the rambling rants of an idle man. If it will be any better for you, I think I will reserve comment in future. But since I have already developed your blog's dribble as part of my daily fix of a laugh I will refrain from posting any comment in future except in the most extenuating circumstances when I feel that what you write requires some rational circumspect input. But be assured that your fan will read your rants before turning to more serious stuff contained in our Straights Times while sitting on my throne every morning.

Come to think of it, it seems that there are only three "commentators" whose views are worth anything. Dr. Angry, Annon(whoever he or she is) and myself (from the point of a patient). The rest just mumbles one sentence, monosyllabic worthless hogwash.

So doc, please except my apologies for any unintended offence. Everyday write king's english and handing out praises and compliments around like it's christmas aledy not interesting lah. Must have cut and thrust but since you are more thin skinned than I thought, what the heck, I have more fruitful things to occupy my time, such as boosting my medical funds performance with a trade or two.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

To Athena,

Er.....he cannot block lah. Block "uglybaldie" what use? I can come back as "Badman". He can only edit my comments but will have to decide whether to allow or not. The thing is, he WILL read and that's all that matters. I really don't give a rat's ass whether people like you read my comments or not. But knowing my good friend he will not take up your suggestion because he is a great fan of free speech. If he does what you suggest, he is no better than the ones he is constantly harangueing against.


At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

uglybaldie is ok when he gets his way.

I value his comments. And yes free speech is important.

Everyone is welcome to say anything they want.But be prepared to debate maturely.

Name calling and insults in my opinion lack class and smack of teenage angst.


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