No more dr Oz bloke, just me

aka Dr Charlotte Charlatan

Monday, December 05, 2005

Hate doctor campaigns

I realise that in today's world, doctors are moving up the "professions we love to hate" charts.

People probably hate doctors as much or more than lawyers now.

The great thing about hating doctors is that unlike lawyers, they usually don't ever fight back. You don't get countersued or anything.

With all the information about health and drugs etc on the internet, who the hell needs doctors these days? People can read and diagnose themselves and buy the drugs from online pharmacies and have them delivered via Fedex the next day!

I would never advise my children to take up medicine. It's a waste of time. I wish I had never become a doctor. Should have done business and become a banker.

It's too late for me now. My fate is sealed.


At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


U right

Now patients consult Dr Google b4 us

Worse still after half hour of consultation .. still Dr G is better becouse it is free.....

At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which is why I think I should go do MLM.

At 1:33 AM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Aiyah Doc,

Why suddenly all this melancholy instropection.

There is a place in the sun for everyone.

But anonymous is right. Dr. Google is better. More balanced views rather than one man's obssession with a medical or therapeutic regime. Like I said, be a top rate surgeon or specialist. Not just a GP. There is one just round the corner of every block in Singapore. Pardon the pun!

I am really glad my sons followed their dreams but there again, I have always been an enlightened dad and realized that doing something you like and want to do and in the process making good money is much much better than doing something you have to do, day after day after day.

By the way, what is MLM?

At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why dun you ask Dr Google?

At 3:14 AM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Dr. Google says:

MLM = docs who fail and became salesmen?


At 4:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


MLM = Doctors who woke up from the matrix and realised they WERE salesmen all along and decided to do it properly and rake in the big bucks

At 4:52 AM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

I was having dinner and then it suddently dawn on me that another associated profession that is going to go down the tube is that of pharmacists.

Jesus Christ, what kind of pharmacists are they producing these days:

Me: It says here on this label that you should not use this shampoo more than twice a week. Why?

Pimply Ms. Dumbo (the pharmacist): it will affect your health and bad for your hair.

What the hell is the little fart saying? And you need a "professionally" trained person to say that?

With the advent of the internet and more drugs being released to OTC, soon these misfits will be the new recruits for our TransitLink buses. The MRT won't employ them as its trains are going driverless too.

She is likely to have been rejected for medical school, not good enough for dentistry either and pharmacy is her third and last choice. The nursing vocation is the next one down the list but then, the ITE and the polytechnics produce better and more down to earth nurses.

And China exports a lot of nurses who are Oh-la-la! to us.

At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I'm rather worried. Having to choose the medical or the IT profession. At my crossroads.

At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

IT sucks

medicine sucks more.

the choice, it seems, it obvious.

At 6:07 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

To helpdoc,

Take this advice from someone who has eaten more salt than those who has eaten rice.

You can take medicine but make sure your career path don't stop at being a n ordinary GP. Specialise in Geriatic, oncology, aesthetic medicine. These are the sunrise "industry" of the medical world.

At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To helpdoc,

What uglybaldie has said is basically what your father is telling you too yeah?

Haha sometimes the laymen don't really understand what goes on in the industry, whether they have eaten more salt than rice(what the hell is that?)

At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Banking sucks.
I'm beginning ot realise it is no longer the occupation or field. It's people in general who suck these days. That's you, me and myself.

"It's full of fake, insincere people. Office polictics, back stabbing, late nights, unrealistic deadlines, fuck up bosses, ass-kissing and unethical behaviour. "

Sound very much like how it is in hospitals.

Full of fake, insincere people. Office politics, back stabbing, long overnights and overweekends calls, unrealistic patients, fuck up bosses, ass-kissing and unethical behavior.

Looks like it's human nature. And you bet MLM is the same.

At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so given the fact that both suck big time ..

Given a choice, I would rather be a doctor.

At 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm did I forget to mention that the pay of a banker is on average 5 times that of a doctor?

At 1:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also forgot to mention that bankers don't save lifes, they don't help alleviate pain, they probably are the ones who get cancer and stress related illness more often than the rest, and they probably spent a large % of their salary on Medical expenses.

Anyway, like you said, it's probably the people that makes the job or industry sucky.

Each has it's pros and cons..

Btw, Bankers are also salesman. I mean, only those in the front line earn big bucks. IF not, they probably earn as much as a doctor lah ....

At 2:03 AM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Every occupation sucks.

The best is retirement.


At 2:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Btw, Bankers are also salesman. I mean, only those in the front line earn big bucks. IF not, they probably earn as much as a doctor lah .... "

Doctors are also salesman. And every doctor is on the front line. Those that are NOT in the front line usually make more money actually.

Yeah retirement is best. Or live on the dole also not bad.

Lagi better strike TOTO group 1 prize yah? Or LOTTO in Oz!

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Dentist Down Under said...

At least you don't have 8 out of 10 patients telling you "I hate doctor", or patients cursing you in the face or worse bite you! ;p But then again I'm so glad I gave the medical school the third finger and went back to dental school. :D My dad was mad at me for 5 years but it's worth it. :D

At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I do get "I hate doctor as well"

Kids and adults getting immunization jabs, sutures, venula plug siting, injections etc.

That's all very benign and safe. It comes with the job.

The worst are those who walk out smiling and thanking you and then you get a call from their lawyer 6 months down the road......

But it's all part of the job yeah?

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Dr Oz

I'm enjoying reading yr blog. :p

BTW I hope u caught the David Lanz concert in Feb last year...


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