No more dr Oz bloke, just me

aka Dr Charlotte Charlatan

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Legal pitfalls

I was just reading the magazine printed by the Medical Protection Society on litigation cases, commentaries about legal pitfalls etc while sitting on the toilet bowl last night.

I then read ulgybladie's comment about having a disclaimer and all that jazz.

Geez. What's the fun in blogging if you have to keep watching over your ass like that? I mean honestly the disclaimer is of no use, if you know what lawyers can do. But I totally agree with ulgybaldie that we live in a very litigous society today. Everyone wants a piece of everyone.

I mean someone, maybe a patient may sue for a doctor using him as an example. Or maybe someone may sue cos her daughter read the word that starts with "P" and ends with "S" on the blog and asked mummy what it was. (Not something mummy has).

So the safest path of action is to basically not blog. Which was the original reason why I killed so many of my blogs before :)

I think very soon the MPS will also say something about doctors blogging too. Who knows there might be a category for doctors who blog. "Do you blog?" *tick Yes or No* And the premiums may just be higher.

Thank you very much to all.


At 6:02 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Aiyah, why you so scared scared one.

I didn't mean to be a spoil sport.

Just do your thing but be guarded that's all.

Why you junked all your archives huh?

Now, with Dr.Angry away on leave and you being so "clinical" about what you say, I've got nothing to read leh.

I agree with your penultimate paragraph though. The question is not whether they would do it, the question is When.

Have a good sunday.

At 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I live in Singapore mah. Have to be scared of everything.

Must live up to the Kiasu Kiasee Singaporean while I am in Singapore mah.

Besides last time I was THAT close to getting in trouble before. Kena call up by the MIW. So I know better dun play play.

Hee hee.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


Don't bluff leh.

They not interested in little farts like you and me lah.

We just want a little fun only. They know it's not serious lah.

You know, even sheep needs to frolic in the grass now and then :-))

At 7:18 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Er...Doc, some advice concerning sitting too long on the toilet bowl to do your stuff while reading the MPS mag. Please don't sit too long. It's not good for your prostate and the ass. Sue me if my advice is not true!
Ha Ha Ha..........

Jokes aside, I too sit on my throne every morning to read all the shit from the respectable Straight Times.


At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh trust me, I did get into a bit of trouble for what I posted a couple of years back.

I know how they operate.

Anyway when I am in Oz already I will tell more :)

At 8:31 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


You so kiasee, kiaboh and kiasu, when you go to Aussie Land, no need to proclaim you were from Singapore. They can tell you a mile away.

Anyway, relax man.

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


wrong lah. I am actually not kiasu, kiasee or kiaboh (what the hell is kiaboh? see I dunno even what it is, how to be kiaboh?) enough for Singapore.

Which is why my parents are always so worried for me. Otherwise why do you think I have to go to Oz?


At 6:47 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Hey Doc,

Why no posts today?

That's it huh?

Your's must be the shortest live med blog I've ever read.

By the way, kiaboh means scared don't have.

So this is my interpretation of kiasi, kiasu, kiaboh.....

kiasi = scared of everything eg. losing one's freedom, trouble from interfering, from bad karma, from losing face etc. in short scared to die et al.

kiasu = scared to lose out. Eg. Everyone wants to get top marks for their kids and go to the best schools, sales? everyone wants to be first to get all the bargains. freebies, first one in the queue. et al.

kiaboh = scared don't have. eg. material wealth, biggest and best cars, most prestigious country club membership, exclusive condos, branded running shoes, et al.

See? the typical singaporean is a very practical, materialistic and realistic individual.

Contrast him with a typical Aussie.
Useless bum drinking and surfing the whole day, too lazy to work, protesting another country's right to get rid of scumbag criminals, slap-on-the-wrist courts, demanding special privileges from other countries, generally ignorant about world affairs and politics. In short, a useless parasite living off their 'lucky country".



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