No more dr Oz bloke, just me

aka Dr Charlotte Charlatan

Friday, May 19, 2006

Win an Xbox360 by playing Fantasy World Cup Soccer Game!

Want to win an Xbox360 (SG version premium edition) worth $660?

Play SGPSP's World Cup Fantasy League 2006!!!!

Top Prize is the Xbox360!


At 5:34 AM, Blogger uglybaldie said...


Why bother?

Go and buy the friggin' Xbox lah.

At 6:54 AM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Oi Uncle,

This scavenger fish has a point here bro. That way, you, your family and friends can all have private tete-a-tetes. By the way, they don't say much do they?

But I must give this to ya. You are not always accurate but you are original. This here fish scavenges for trite articles to pad his/her blog. Weird. This is a cut and paste blogger, same as the cut and paste politicians as mentioned by our MM.

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...


I would play the football game even if it didn't have an Xbox360 up for grabs.

Actually I am one of the guys who is behind the game. Worked out the gameplay etc with a friend at the forum.

Originally we had trouble getting sponsors and the first prize was a $50 taka voucher! Later it went up to a $100 Game voucher. And then all of a sudden it became an Xbox360!!! I still can't believe it myself.

Well pufferfish is free to do what he likes with his blog.

So you prefer to have this blog become a private blog? In the end I don't think a blog can ever truly be private frankly. You give the password to a friend and then the friend becomes an enemy (it happens) and the same problems arise.

Better to just work out problems as and when they arise, think of the blog as a public domain and be careful of what you say.

At 7:56 PM, Blogger uglybaldie said...

Hey Bro.

Stop playing childish games lah.

Would like your comments on Mr. Dan Brown and his masterpiece, The Da Vinci Code including the movie of the same name, starring one of my favourite actors, Tom Hanks.

This Jap Food really sucks. I caught one long ago. Friggin' ugly little critter. When I threw it back into the water, all the other fishes dived for cover. Must be stinking rot and poisonous to boot! And the croaking noise it made! Even a shark looks beautiful compared to this mishap of a creation. How in heaven's name did our creator thought of making such a creature?

Hee Hee


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