No more dr Oz bloke, just me

aka Dr Charlotte Charlatan

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Reality check 101

It's one thing to be contented in life and be happy with what you have. That's what most people say when talking to others who seem to be unhappy with their lives because they cannot "see" how lucky they are.

Well I think it goes further than that.

What happens when the things that you are so contented with, and "lucky" to have get taken away from you? Then you just have to be contented with less and less. But till what level?

There is a saying that the key to happiness is good health and a very bad memory.

I tend to agree.

I realise that some of the happiest people are those who live day by day. They never plan for the future. They never worry about the future. They just live for today.

Two quotations come to mind :

1) Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

2) When you can think of yesterday without regret, and tomorrow without fear, you are near contentment.

I find it difficult not to think of tomorrow without fear. But I do think of yesterday without regrets. At least I'm half way there.


At 5:09 AM, Blogger palmist said...

hmm just wondering what is there to fear in the future. Finacial problems? Future of singapore? Your son's future?

Personally I have really bad planning skills but reduces the fear that I perceive be in finacial or health related issues :)

At 1:10 AM, Blogger Dr Oz bloke said...

Well it seems to me that if you don't plan, then there's nothing to fear.

After all if you dunno any problems what's there to worry about?

Live day by day. Then when the shit hits the fan, then think about it.

Of course some people plan such that there is less of a chance of the shit ever hitting the fan.

But sometimes you end up staring at shit rising up and then trying to keep it down. Not fun at all.

Depends how you want to live life.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger palmist said...

well at least med school is one hell hole you got out of. I am sure you can get out a lot of situations with your abilities.

Sometimes even when you've done your best shit still hits the fan. The only natural thing to do is to clean up the mess :)

Of course planning is good but we always have unplanned accidents don't we. Perhaps I am blessed to be sheltered from a lot of shit. Sometimes when shit comes I don't know if I can take it :) hahahaha. Anyway life goes on. I personally think you have a great life ahead. Maybe the grass always looks greener on the other side.

At 1:36 AM, Blogger Flatfeet said...

Uncle Oz, it's good to reflect on yourself once in awhile. If there's a reality check 101 part 3, i am beginning to suspect if your hair has started to ..err..thin down ;p


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