We should be whistleblowers? Only on the football field!
I read with great disbelief that the government wants the "help" of its citizens in uncovering wrongdoing. They claim that they can't be everywhere and thus need the help of the man on the street to alert them to suspicious cases.
That's absolutely absurd. Any man on the street who is intelligent and of discerning mind would know it's empty talk.
The NKF saga (as always) is the best example of how "whistleblowing" would result in you being sued for defamation, have to sell your house to settle "out of court" and still see no justice! Just ask Tan Kiat Noi, Archie Ong and Piragasum Singavelu.
It is interesting that in the NKF revelations, it is clear that the reports proved that the allegations by those 3 were all true. However, neither the government or NKF has acknowledged that those 3 individuals had been dealt a great injustice, offered any apology or returned their out of court settlements.
What does this tell the man on the street which the government is asking to blow the whistle in future? Don't do it. Unless you want to be broke and forgotten subsequently.
I for one would stick to whistle blowing on the football fields. And if I encounter any "wrongdoings" in the great government or charities or what have you, I'd think of how to get in on the benefits rather than cause my family trauma and suffering. For the matter, it still appears that even if they do eventually find you out (by you making some stupid suicidal move), you will still get away inscathed. Something about "you didn't actually break any law".
This is the "Singapore Way".
Yo Bro.
Nice to hear you talking again.
Always a refreshing view albeit not exactly pro establishment.
Yeah, I agree totally with you. The three cases proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the law is an ass isn't it? Who makes laws? Man. Who decides? Man. As I said earlier, anything that walks on two feet is fallible and imperfect.
The best policy is to MYOB. Go shopping. Go overseas tour. Rant on the net. Play with your children, grandchildren. Bliss.
Well the MYOB is precisely what they want us to do isn't it? Then they can carry on doing whatever they want.
The "bliss" is a false one.
One day we will wake up to find everything we cherished stolen from right under our "blissful" noses.
Do we carry on MYOB?
We live in an imperfect world. This is not Shangrila but compared to a lot of places I've seen, it is close enough.
No place on earth is perfect. No government is perfect. The thing here is to what extent it is imperfect. I am aghast sometimes with the hysteria , paronia and cynicism inherent in our local population. The one thing I do believe is that things are not as good as it seems nor as bad as it appears.
A matter of degree my friend, a matter of degree.
History tells us that a power gone unchecked would turn foul.
This is but the end of the beginning.
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