I say doctors are NOT evil! Too bad if you disagree!
My last post got some people angry. But then that's what I was hearing day in day out from awfully nasty patients for more than a year! The area where I worked was filled with such people.
My father told me that I should not trivialise what I do. Although what I do at work may seem simple and trivial to me. They are things that only a doctor is authorized to do. So we should still be paid for the services we render even if it seems simple.
It's the same for lawyers. Many of the checks they run are performed by clerks but the lawyer signs off and charges a lawyer fee. But he takes responsibility.
So for those people who say doctors are evil and should be as poor as the man next door, sorry for you.
I will continue to do my best for my patients and not let such comments bother me so much.
As it is the places where I am working now have MUCH MUCH nicer people. The group I work with also has very good packages for patients that represent excellent value for money!
I have little to complain about :)